Since I'm usually behind the camera, I expect this 'blog' to be more of an online photo album.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Slow morning start
I never know which one will wake up first. It's usually Kobe since Celia has some sort of personal challenge to stay up as late as she can when she stays at my house....the 'fun' house. Today, it was Kobe.
Kobe holds his Clifford doll when we watch the Clifford t.v. show. When Celia wakes up, it's bath time!
I take the kids to the 'Y' just about every weekend...they love to swim and Celia is starting to work out with me. She loves walking the treadmill and doing curls. I'll have to get a picture of that sometime soon.
The kids and I went to Fontenelle Forrest on Friday. It was almost 80 degrees here in Omaha! Not bad for November. Kobe didn't actually knock down the tree that he's sitting on...though he probably could have.
Saturday mornings are great...the kids usually stay with me Friday nights.
Kobe likes to copy me a lot...unless I'm doing something productive and useful like cleaning or doing the laundry. Actually, he's very helpful with those things. The kids LOVE to wash my truck.
At age 5 Celia already knows how to 'work the camera'. Notice the side view chin-to-shoulder pose.